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This board is provided to give further explanation of a character's background by making a thread and "roleplaying" out their past memories. You will most likely be playing all characters in the thread (unless another member has opted to play a horse from your character's past). For this reason, double posting is allowed. Consider each post a "chapter" of their life, though, so keep them limited and maybe give them a header or something along those lines. One thread per character, please.
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Have a certain character you want on the site but don't want to roleplay yourself? Maybe you want someone to roleplay as your character's sister-- request such a thing here! You may set the requirements that the person must comply to as well. However, please note that once a roleplayer has agreed to take on your wanted ad--and you have given your consent--then that character is out of your hands and you may not attempt to influence the roleplayer's decisions on what they wish to do with the character. If a problem truly arises, you may message the staff, otherwise just be careful who you agree to let roleplay the character you desire.
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WIP Oct 16, 2019 9:06:38 GMT -6
It's all about your horse! Create your roleplay tracker here-- give all the biography information but this time in depth, adding whatever you so desire; it could be a list/summary of all the relationship your character shares with other horses on the site, a diary held by your horse, some information about yourself, etc. One thread per member. All Monarchs and Consorts are required to have their own threads separate from other characters. They will be stickied at the top for members to view. All other characters by these roleplayers may be contained in a normal tracker.

Important: It is mandatory for members to have a tracker to list what items they have bought. You do not need an elaborate tracker; a thread simply listing your items will suffice.

Plot it Out

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Thread Locked Announcement  
NEWBookmarkLockedFalling To-Do List
Brady 1 363 by Brady
Apr 10, 2022 23:58:06 GMT -6
Thread Locked Announcement  
NEWBookmarkLockedFalling Reopening
Brady 0 368 by Brady
Oct 12, 2019 14:00:18 GMT -6