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Want a graphic created for you but can't decide which Studio you want to commission? Put it up for general grabs! Do what you wish--make your own form, give your own details, let several complete your image and pick your favorite amongst them, pay what you desire, etc. Please PM a staff member to have payment exchanged!
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Have an image, table, or anything art-related that others can use for free? Post them here! You receive $100 for each Freebie that you post--exceptions apply. You are allowed to create stipulations on your work, whether it be that only one person can use each image or that they must roleplay it on this site only, etc.
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Have a question on how to create a table? Maybe you have a question about how to make a good water effect in a manipulation you are attempting. This is the place to ask! Within, you will find an index of all member provided tutorials and a form for any sort of support. Remember, anyone can answer your questions, but it is strongly suggested that you abstain if you are at all uncertain of your answer.
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Any other thread that doesn't fit in the other sub-boards can be placed here. However, if your thread is deemed suitable for a different sub-board and you mistakenly put it here, your thread will be moved accordingly.